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What is Indigenous Pow Wow?

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

May 20, 2023 | Author: Ruonan Zhao Photographer: Daniel Yu

Art, music, and dance is a prominent part of every culture, and it’s no different for the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. It is the core of their culture, and shapes the various traditions that they practice. From community celebrations to thrilling competitions, Pow Wow dancing brings colour to Indigenous peoples’ lives, and is necessary to preserve.

The term Pow Wow, is used to describe Indigenous group gatherings that usually involve feasts, singing, and dancing. From small tribal gathering, to extensive inter tribal celebrations, Pow Wows can be extremely flexible and vary significantly between regions.

Despite being a major event for Indigenous peoples, the origins of Pow Wow dancing is heavily debated. But the concept of group celebrations and festive activities along with dancing has been traditions for almost all Indigenous groups. Usually dancing in a circle, the Pow Wow dance represents the cycle of life and the peoples’ ongoing connections with nature and each other. The term Pow Wow was mostly developed in the 1800s, representing various types of gatherings. The dances were usually associated with one of four occasions: religious ceremonies, celebrations honouring successful war parties and warriors, celebrations of new or reaffirmed alliances, and events sponsored by various warrior societies or extended family groups.

As Pow Wow dancing develops, it has greatly increased its inclusivity and breath. Evolving the various dance styles, Pow Wow dancing has provided a common ground for people with diverse differences to connect with each other. Namely, the Pow Wow dance competition has grown in significance to many Indigenous communities. These competitions often involve monetary awards, and connect hundreds of dancers, singers, and drummers together to collaborate in an exhilarating competitive environment. The remarkable part about these competitions is that they often include divisions for young dancers as well. Pow Wow dancing is often an impactful platform for younger Indigenous generations to connect with their culture, as well as gaining invaluable knowledge from elders and their community.

The value of Indigenous art, dance, and other forms of representation cannot be simply measured or covered. The complexity and intricacies of these traditions is necessary to be passed down and recognized in order for efforts to be made to preserve them. Today, as we see the gradual loss of Indigenous land, language, and culture, we cannot afford to lose any more traditions.

Indigenous Pow Wows are not only a simple gathering; the meaning of connectedness, inclusivity, and inheritance goes much deeper, and holds different influences on different communities.


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