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What does Acimona mean?


Acimona is the word "storytelling" in the Cree language, a  dialect continuum of Algonquian languages spoken by approximately 117,000 people across Canada. As an Indigenous advocacy organization, we are committed to telling authentic stories of Indigenous identity, culture, and conflict: the story of what it takes to fight for rights, seek justice, and step towards reconciliation. 

Our Mission

Acimona is a student-led organization aimed to share and support the stories of the Indigenous peoples through photography, art, journalism, and fundraisers. As ethnographers, we prioritize authentic representation and seek to break down stereotypes, dive into sensitive topics, and explore Indigenous issues. We conduct thorough research and collaborate closely with Indigenous communities to ensure culturally sensitive and ethical initiatives. Our goal is to broaden the public's understanding of Indigenous perception by utilizing various methods of education, advocacy, and fundraisers.

Got a question?


Advisors are adults with Indigenous connections who will help us in providing you with insightful and accurate information.



Mechelle Pierres is Nl’akapa’mx, from the Nicola Valley - of the Interior Salish people. She is a survivor of St. George’s Indian Residential School.

"I spent most of my life fighting to maintain my sense of self and to recover from the traumas these bureaucratic systems inflicted on me. Now I consider myself, not just a survivor but also a victor of all that has tried to destroy me."

Executive Team

International Chapters

Writing Team

Media Team

Photography Team

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© Acimona

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